Fall 2023 Online Indonesian Classes at UW-Madison – there’s still time to enroll! LCTL instructors at the department of Asian Languages and Cultures (ALC) at UW-Madison have agreed to allow non-UW students to join certain language classes remotely in Fall 2023, enrolling as Special Students. This includes Indonesian language! As Special Students, you will pay a much less tuition rate than the regular non-resident tuition rate. For the language courses, the Special Student tuition is $500/credit. Students also have the option to Guest Audit the course.
Any interested student* must apply to become an online-only university Special Student (UNOL): https://acsss.wisc.edu/online-only/
*Any WISLI/SEASSI/Project GO Indonesian program alumni who wants to enroll for Fall 2023 in this online only special student category to take a course for credit/grade/audit should simply complete this form: https://uwmadison.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5dxbhZkzmMkIOai
For further information, please contact medli@lpo.wisc.edu
Learn more about Indonesian at UW-Madison, academic year & summer opportunities: https://alc.wisc.edu/languages/indonesian-2/