Seats Available in Slavic 101: First Semester Russian

We have open seats in all sections of Slavic 101First Semester Russian, offered by the German Nordic Slavic department. It’s a great opportunity for Project GO students!

This fall, we are introducing a new hybrid section in addition to three traditional in-person sections. In-person sections meet from Monday to Friday at 9:55 AM, 11:00 AM, and 12:05 PM (FIG).

The hybrid section of Slavic 101 will have in-person meetings on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 1:20 PM, accompanied by asynchronous online activities on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This new option provides students with more flexibility to fit a 4-credit language course into their schedules.

The 12:05 section of Slavic 101 is part of the “Russia and America: From 19th Century to Today” First-Year Interest Group (FIG) led by Prof. Francine Hirsch.  The other two courses in this FIG are History 200: Russia and America in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries and Political Science 140: Introduction to International Relations. You can find more detailed information about this FIG here:[fig]=23fig53